Our process is simple.

  1. Engage in collaborative topic selection with you and your child, ensuring it aligns with their interests and learning goals.

  2. Craft and deliver a tailored learning experience using project-based learning methodologies, personalised to your child's unique needs and strengths.

  3. Assist with essential paperwork and guidance for homeschooling registration, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process for you and your family.

Follow our journey.

Download the Student Prospectus.

The pdf contains detailed information, including pricing, fee structures, and the roadmap for the enriching journey we will embark on together to plan your child's learning experience.

How does it work?

iProject International can align with the Australian curriculum or any relevant curriculum by using a personalised and inquiry-based learning approach. However, we also cater to families who are not obligated to follow registration requirements and are free to design their child’s own learning path. Our innovative method focuses on students' interests, customising educational experiences based on their individual passions. Through this approach, iProject International not only meets the standards of the relevant curriculum but also exceeds them, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that encourages students to explore, question, and gain a deeper understanding of subjects aligned with their personal interests.

Our difference.

Industry Partnerships.

We’re thrilled to announce our latest industry partnership with Awtopia!

Join us in the Storyteller - Masterclass where you’ll master the art of storytelling and learn to create engaging, impactful content. No matter your creative outlet or discipline, this course will teach you how to effectively communicate any story and use storytelling as a powerful tool for meaningful connection.

The course covers 3 core fundamentals and a project based on your discipline of choice:

  • The Importance of Story: Understand why storytelling is crucial in capturing and captivating


  • Creating Stories from Scratch: Learn how to craft compelling stories from nothing, anytime, and


  • The Cheat Sheet: Discover three simple tips to keep your audience on the edge of their seat. These tips include the Predisposition (hook), the Journey (obstacles to overcome), and the Resolution (the feel-good moment).

  • Your Storyteller personal project - Create and master your own story from a choice of our project


  • Interactive Sessions Participate in hands-on exercises and receive personalised feedback from our expert instructors.

Stay tuned as we release more details on how this incredible opportunity will be integrated into the iProject International learning context.

Peter John has spent the last 25 years traveling the world capturing and crafting transformational stories for some of the world’s best artists and musicians. He has accumulated over 500 million streams on YouTube with all of his projects and has been nominated for 3 Dove Awards. He has witnessed the rise of social and internet media owned by big tech companies that create algorithms that favour negative and divisive content but has still managed to cut through the noise and bring content that restores hope and meaning. Beyond creating and making his own projects, his heart is to pass on this experience, passion and knowledge all across the globe.

iProject Spotlight

IProject International partnered with TRENTAN - a colourful and compelling indie/pop Australian producer, songwriter, and musician to help bring to life our student’s personalised project. Our student spent the course of their project writing and developing lyrics for a song which was then recorded & produced by Trentan. The song is now available on all music streaming services.

Check out the lyrics below!

  • Day In The Past


    Sun goes down and leaves a wonderful light

    Beaming out and keeping the cows in sight

    Old macadamia surrounding the burning fireplace

    I could ride between the different trees and the sun don’t hit my face.


    Take me to the place where my feet feel right at home,

    The rolling hills go on forever,

    At the end of day sunset washes it away,

    The clouds split up then they’re gone,


    This is where I feel most known.

    This is where I feel most known.


    We sit and watch my folks prepare to dine

    Conversations going well into the night

    Waking up each morning I feel a sense of delight,

    Knowing that the new adventure is going to be bright.


    Take me to the place where my feet feel right at home,

    The rolling hills go on forever,

    At the end of day sunset washes it away,

    The clouds split up then they’re gone,


    This is where I feel most known.

    This is where I feel most known.


    Wooden fences and rusty nails,

    Papa’s feeding cows with hay bales,

    Down by the water where we spend hours,

    Building, jumping, playing pretend


    Take me to the place where my feet feel right at home,

    The rolling hills go on forever,

    At the end of day sunset washes it away,

    The clouds split up then they’re gone,


    This is where I feel most known.

    This is where I feel most known.


Past iProjects successfully accomplished by students worldwide!

  • Personalised Curriculum

    iProject International creates a personalised curriculum for your child by following the Australian Curriculum and designing learning tasks and investigations specifically for them. The content is directly linked to the final product produced at the end of the 10-week project, ensuring a customised learning experience tailored to your child's unique needs and interests.

  • One-on-One Session(s)

    In the iProject International experience, your child can have one-on-one online sessions. These sessions are tailored to help them improve in specific areas and further develop their strengths. It's a personalised approach to learning that focuses on their individual needs and ensures they receive the support to succeed academically.

  • Lesson Plan Sequence

    The lesson plan sequence in iProject International is structured to support and enhance your child's weekly educational journey. It accommodates various learning styles and study habits with layouts that can include daily tasks, Monday to Wednesday plans, or weekly outlines, providing a flexible and personalised approach to their learning experience.

  • Feedback

    Students attending more than three sessions per week receive end-of-week reports, while those with 1-3 sessions weekly receive end-of-session reports. These reports provide valuable insights into the students' progress, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their academic development and allowing for targeted support as needed.

Overview of Curriculum


iProject International places students at the centre of its approach, focusing on discovering their goals and passions. The program is dedicated to tailoring learning experiences to individual interests, fostering a space for self-discovery, and ensuring that education is academically enriching and personally fulfilling. This student-centric approach reflects the program's commitment to recognising and nurturing the unique aspirations and potential of each student.


Numeracy includes the skills and understanding students need to use math in different situations. The Numeracy general capability is divided into three parts: Number sense and algebra, Measurement and geometry, and Statistics and probability. This framework helps students build a strong foundation in math, problem-solving, and applying mathematical concepts in real-life situations.


Literacy involves the skills students need for using language in different situations. The Literacy general capability has three main elements: Speaking and listening, Reading and viewing, and Writing. These aspects focus on developing effective communication, critical reading, and expressive writing skills to make students proficient communicators across various contexts.

Types of Assessment at iProject International

How does it work?

To enhance the learner experience at iProject International, we prioritise understanding each child’s individual needs and interests.

This personalised approach informs the design of their iProjects, leading to a more tailored learning experience.

We value practical application of skills over formal exams or tests, focusing on showcasing evidence of skill development and learning progress throughout their journey with us.


Self-assessment involves students reflecting on their own learning and evaluating their own progress. This type of assessment can help students take ownership of their learning and develop important metacognitive skills.


Diagnostic assessments are used to identify students' strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject. They help teachers tailor their planning to the needs of individual students.


This type of assessment is used to monitor student learning during the learning process. It helps teachers identify areas where students need more support and adjust their teaching accordingly. Formative assessments can be in the form of quizzes, individual discussions, or individual feedback.

iProject Overview Sample.

This was an interdisciplinary project (10 weeks) specifically designed for our Grade 10 student. It integrated Science, English, Maths, and Geography and engaged our student in hands-on experiments with their guinea pigs and rabbits. The project was aligned with NESA outcomes (NSW Curriculum) and aimed to help our student master experimental design and data analysis while gaining a holistic understanding of rodent habitats. Based on the knowledge gained, our student was able to propose sustainable environmental management strategies, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.

iProject Online Learning Platform Sample.

Our user-friendly app centralises all learning tasks, providing clear instructions for students to navigate their educational journey effortlessly. From printables to online tasks, everything is organised and easily accessible, ensuring a streamlined learning process.

Dive into your online portfolio feed on our platform, tracking progress and showcasing achievements. Choose between printable and online tasks, tailoring your learning experience to your preferences. Enhance communication with your teacher through our dedicated course feed and chat space, creating a dynamic and supportive online learning environment.

Course Layout

Independent Learning Tasks

Customisable Timetables