Frequently asked questions.

Are you a school?

No, we're not a traditional school. At iProject International, we operate within the framework of homeschooling. Families are required to register for homeschooling, and we take care of the delivery and management of your child's education. Our focus is on providing personalised learning experiences tailored to each student's needs, all within the comfort and flexibility of a homeschooling environment.

What is your educational ethos?

At iProject International, our Christian faith is the bedrock of our educational ethos. It permeates every aspect of our learning journey, shaping the curriculum, teaching resources, and the bonds between our educators, students, and parents.

Which subjects does each iProject cover?

Each iProject carefully selects subject areas appropriate to the big picture and goal of the iProject. These can include: Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Economics/Business, Civics/citizenship), The Arts (Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music, Visual Arts), Technologies (Design and Technologies, Digital Technologies), Health and Physical Education, Languages and Biblical Studies.

Does the learning sequence come with instructions and answers?

Yes, we include all the answers for parents, so you have full transparency. You will also be informed of diagnostic and ongoing assessment results.

Does my child need to do tests or exams?

We believe the best form of assessment is diagnostic and ongoing. Diagnostic tests direct the learning, while ongoing assessments monitor their progress through the material.

Is everything done online when working from our online platforms?

You will find the instructions online. However, many of the activities and learning experiences are experiential. Activity sheets can be downloaded and printed to ensure your child balances screen time. 

When can I start with iProject International? Can I join anytime?

You can begin with us at any time throughout the year. We don’t stick to the usual 4 Term schooling cycle.

My child has ADHD and autism. Can you accommodate them?

Certainly! At iProject International, we aim to accommodate all students, including those with ADHD and autism. We understand that each child is unique, and we encourage parents to provide us with information about their child's specific needs. We work closely with parents to determine whether iProject International is the right fit for their child, ensuring open communication and collaboration every step of the way. We are committed to creating a supportive learning environment where all students can thrive.

Do I have to schedule lessons like a school day, or is there flexibility?

You have complete control over how you schedule the week’s work. Depending on your country, we can recommend government requirements. Each student has unique gifts and talents, and areas for growth, so you can tailor the schedule to your child’s needs.

Do I need to buy additional books, resources or subscriptions?

Yes. Depending on your child’s needs, we will advise on the best subscription options and books and include them in your invoice. They are usually active for one full year and individually range between $15 - $100.

Are my children learning the Australian Curriculum?

At iProject International, we prioritise your needs, interests, and values. We offer free access to Kingdom Thinkers Academy curriculum resources and, if necessary, can align with the Australian curriculum or any relevant curriculum using a personalised and inquiry-based learning approach. Families are not obligated to follow registration requirements and are free to design their child’s own learning path. Our innovative method focuses on students' interests, customising educational experiences based on their individual passions. This approach meets the standards of the relevant curriculum and exceeds them, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that encourages students to explore, question, and gain a deeper understanding of subjects aligned with their interests.

How long does each iProject take to complete?

Usually around 10 weeks.

How much does it cost?

iProject International's pricing offers students a personalised and flexible learning experience. The cost varies based on the facilitator(s), age level, level of customisation, and session frequency, providing families with options that suit their unique needs.

How do I get started?

Fill out our enquiry form here.